Firstly I want to say Happy Valentines Day to my dear sweet hubby. He surprised me this morning with a lovely bunch of roses....I love ya my teddy bear.
Nate had his first official planned "playdate" with Jake and Madi in his new play space (our family room). They had great fun together playing with the cars and the blocks.
After a midday nap, Nate went off to meet his Great Grandma. It was cards day at her house so he also got to meet Grans' card playing friends who I am sure were thrilled to see him too. Nate was quite impressed with G.Gran, so much so that he kept wanting her to pick him up......
After that visit it was off to visit some more new playmates - Keeley & Ethan. Again lots of fun to be had and he even had his first communal bath!! He also got to meet Auntie Cath, Uncle Jason and Auntie Mary and was spoilt with some great pressies.
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