Friday, February 3, 2006

Gotcha +1

We are so happy happy happy this morning.  After going to bed at 7.30 pm Nate slept right through until 6.30 am.  He had a bit of a coughing fit at about 3 am but never woke up.  I don’t dare to think it will always be this way but I'm enjoying it for the moment.  I had a great sleep too, but Papa was a bit restless, listening for his noises.  We all shared the bed last night as it was our first together - we certainly wont be making it a habit as Nate is a wigglepot.

The travel party has again ventured out on their own.  Mum organized a trip out to the Rose Garden which does a pretty good cultural show.  I think its important that they get out and see the Bangkok we love.

After waking Nate had some Banana cereal and then a couple of bits of watermelon in the restaurant.  He sure is a wee little thing.  Clothes are 00 and fit pretty well.  He weighs just under 10 kg.

Mid morning he was doing so well, we went out for a walk amongst the masses.  We got very brave, changed him into his swimmers and we went down to the pool.  The good news is that he has no fear of water and in fact loves to splash.  He did hold onto me for dear life but was very happy.  He only got grumpy when it was time to go!  Most of the time we seem to carry him but he is now starting to enjoy walking and is also quite happy with the pusher.  Now while I am typing both of my boys are having naps but that will soon be coming to an end as it is medicine and afternoon snack time.  Nate seems to have a bit of a cold, and we also think he is teething as he is really dribbly.   The TRCCH had Nate on ventolin syrup every 4 hours.  We're reducing it now with a view to ceasing it completely.


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