Saturday, February 4, 2006

Gotcha +2

Today Nate started with another bowl of a banana cereal and some watermelon in the restaurant.  He's so settled already.  He sat for ages in the pusher this morning while we ate.  Its also clear he loves to entertain.  There is always a salute and a smile from the door mean at the hotel everytime we come and go.  We then had a bit of a play and a bath. The bath went down much better today and it was actually enjoyable for him.  Smiles this time and no tears.

After lunch and midday nap we all decided to take a trip out to the oceanarium.  Nate was absolutely fascinated by all of the under water activity.  He loved looking at the fish and anything else that moved underwater.  It was a pretty amazing place, not unlike the oceanariums in Melbourne & Sydney - just bigger and underneath the shopping centre.  He was such a trooper and again really settled.  He is starting to get much more comfortable with the rest of the family which is really nice (Poppa is an early favourite).

We got early dinner at the Siam Paragon shopping centre and even had a quick look at the Patpong Markets, (well Phoebe, Nate & I sat on a step eating watermelon while the others checked out some sights). Stocking up on the latest DVD’s was a must and we did pretty well there.  Our boy had a bit of a late night which meant he was a little difficult to get to sleep but otherwise all was well.


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