Saturday, February 18, 2006

Meeting Angus

We went to Mum & Dads for dinner to meet the Hudson Family, and in particular so Angus can meet Nate.  We had yummy Tranmere roast which I will post about another time because they are so good they deserve their own post.  Nate also discovered a love of roast vegetables and in particular pumpkin (Dad is thrilled as he hates roast pumpkin).

Angus spoiled Nate by spending his pocket money on some strawberries and a matchbox car for him.  How nice is that!!!


Friday, February 17, 2006

More out and about time

This afternoon we went to visit Uncle Heath for his Birthday.  Nate got to play with his cousin Phoebe which he loves to do.  We all got to hear about her new school and the new friends she has made.  Uncle Heath also cracked open his birthday pressie (Blue Label Johnny Walker) for some sampling. 

Thursday, February 16, 2006

This communal bathing is a hoot

Tonight we visited the Curry's for dinner.  They cooked us real food - it seems like the run of takeaways is coming to an end - yippee.  The highlight for Nate was another communal bath. Lots of splashing and great fun.

Nate also gave up his first cuddles to Uncle Paul.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentines Day

Firstly I want to say Happy Valentines Day to my dear sweet hubby.  He surprised me this morning with a lovely bunch of roses....I love ya my teddy bear.

Nate had his first official planned "playdate" with Jake and Madi in his new play space (our family room).  They had great fun together playing with the cars and the blocks.


After a midday nap, Nate went off to meet his Great Grandma.  It was cards day at her house so he also got to meet Grans' card playing friends who I am sure were thrilled to see him too. Nate was quite impressed with G.Gran, so much so that he kept wanting her to pick him up......

After that visit it was off to visit some more new playmates - Keeley & Ethan.  Again lots of fun to be had and he even had his first communal bath!!  He also got to meet Auntie Cath, Uncle Jason and Auntie Mary and was spoilt with some great pressies.


Monday, February 13, 2006

First full day at home

Being the first full day home we had a bit of organizing to do.  We had decided earlier to turn over the family room over to Nate.  We needed to remove the grown up things and replace them with a colourful carpet and storage boxes for his 'little people' and blocks.   We had also set up our foxtel to show the kids tv.  Sadly we have discovered that our big ole tv has just about died.  Good picture and fuzzy/popping sound.  Oh well I guess that means more shopping.....

We took Nate out to the local shopping centre - trying to get him used to a car seat.  He doesnt like sitting still for too long and is used to being unrestrained in the back of the car (playing with the folks).  Anyways he did ok and each time he sits in it it's a little less painless for us all.
Last night we took Nate over to have some playtime with his new best mates; Jake and Madi.  I have to say that it was like they have known each other for ages.  They got on so well it was beautiful.  Even hugs and kisses all round to end the night!!

We also tried him out in his new high chair to
have his breaky (weetbix, banana and vegemite on toast).  We had anticipated the worst considering his dislike of being strapped to a seat, but he loved it.  He was also quite happy to have his lunch and dinner there too.

The other highlight of his day today was meeting his Uncle Heath. It didn't take long before they were playing like boys do.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Journey Home

Finally the time has come to leave the City Of Angels (Bangkok).  It holds a little sadness for us as we say goodbye, but we are taking the best part of Bangkok with us.  I don't think there is anyone in the group who is not desperate to get home now.  This does not make the prospect of a long plane trip home any better.  We left the hotel at midday and as soon as we arrived at the airport, learned that we could not book our luggage in until 4.30 pm.
  So it was Burger King lunch for all, taking it in shifts of watching Nate.  At about the time to book in he decided to put on his grumpy pants and cried/screamed for the next couple of hours.  To our delight he threw himself down onto the concrete floor giving himself a huge new lump on his forehead.  He was overtired as we could not squeeze in a morning sleep.   Finally we decided to give Phenergan a go, but as his stubborn streak took over he resisted every urge to sleep.  An hour into the flight he gave in and slept, albeit restlessly until Sydney.   Then once we got onto the domestic flight it was lights out again.  He sucks him thumb or finger for comfort - very cute.
 We had quite a large contingent of family and friends come out to the airport to greet Nate which was lovely.  He got to meet his Uncles and his other Grandparents first.  He took it in his stride and was happy and cheery until he had to be strapped into his car seat for the drive home.  The whole time we were away he traveled well, but probably mostly because he sat on one of our laps.  The red car seat was not popular at all.

Once home again (** great big sigh), we put together an impromptu BBQ with lots of meat and Jo had again preplanned a surpise, as only she can, of welcome home balloons and cake.

Now as I write this he is having a nap in his cot for the first time....

Thursday, February 9, 2006

Embassy Visit

Man the Aussie Embassy is harder to get into than fort knox.  So much security and checkpoint after checkpoint.  Anyways all is done now and we have a rather pretty permanent visa in Nate's passport.  So all we need do now is rest up, pack and get ready for the trip home.  I will try to post again tomorrow but its hard to get access to the internet from the hotel (one rather stupid man was on here for 1 hr before me - sending one email!!!).

Storytime with Dad
His passport photo page - complete with fingerprint

Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Panel Day - hes ours...officially (Thai side)

Well finally the big day arrived much to our relief.  Nate slept for almost 12 hours before we had to wake him just before 7.  He seems to have caught up on his sleep as he seemed to be very settled and relaxed.  Maybe he just knows what happens today.

We had to get to the Dept of Social Welfare building by 9.10 to find out what time our interview was to be.  We left the hotel just after 8.30 with Nate in pusher, and arrived at the building 5 mins after that.  We were both a little nervous so we had almost forgotten where it was despite going past it every day in the taxi.  It did give us a chance to plan our lunch though as we walked past many street food vendors on the way there.

We met up with Kuhn Voraporn (our social worker from the Thai Red Cross) and you can imagine our delight in finding out that we were first!!. The interview went very well, each of the panelists commenting how well and happy he looks.  One of the social workers there also said how much Nate looks like me???  I will take that as a compliment of course but seriously think she needs glasses.

Our interview took all of about 5 minutes as they were so happy for him, and commented on how much love he seems to be getting.  After that it was questions about what we had seen in Thailand and what we were doing for the rest of our stay.  Nate showed off of course - they have toys on the table for the little ones to be distracted with if theyre unsettled - Nate chose to launch one of them at the elder lady panelist  haha.  

You can only imagine how happy we are now that the formalities are almost over – tomorrow we venture to the Aussie embassy to get his Australian visa.

All smiles just after our panel interview

This is Khun Voraporn the Thai Red Cross Social Worker we have spent the most time with


Tuesday, February 7, 2006

Gotcha + 5 (& return flight details)

Visiting the Grand Palace was on the agenda for this morning and 3 tuk tuk’s was the preferred mode of transport.  We thought Nate wouldn't like it but actually he was so tired (and grumpy) that he actually fell asleep on us. This gives us hope that if he can sleep in the middle of Bangkok traffic then the plane may not be much of a hassle after all.  We walked around the temple with him stuck to me like a limpet.   He missed the first part of the tour but woke up in time to see the emerald Buddha.

We had a quiet afternoon, mainly as Nate was still a little tired (despite another nano nap) - again really dribbly today.  Also because I myself was a bit tearful today.  Im not entirely sure why, because besides being desperate to get home now, I have no real excuse as everything is going so well here.  Anyways I had a good cry and besides freaking everyone else out I feel much better and a wee bit more sane.  Maybe I have the equivalent of the baby blues.

Speaking of plane here are the details…..

Leave here 5 pm Saturday (9pm Adelaide time) arriving in Sydney.  We then board a Qantas domestic flight back to Adelaide which should get us home at about 10 am Sunday (Adelaide time).  The flight number for that will be QF 739 and it will be to the domestic terminal….I don’t spose there is any hope of the new airport being open…?

Isn't this the cutest face ever (we see this alot!!) and each time cant wait till he does it again....

Monday, February 6, 2006

Gotcha +4

After all of yesterday’s activity we decided to have a quiet day, nothing more eventful than a swim in the pool.  Mum & Dad got very adventurous and went out with a tuk tuk to visit some temples and wound up at the Royal Lapidary where they bought some nice ruby earrings for Mum and some Sapphire ones for their favourite daughter – aren’t I lucky!!!  Valesca and Phoebe are also being quite the travelers with some retail therapy at MBK and swimming being some easy ways to kill time….Bartering is no longer a problem it seems.

Nate is turning out to be quite the charmer, as he gets more and more confident each day. Also, there is nothing cuter than when he does his “wei” (interpretation = hands together (prayer style) and bowing ones head (used as a greeting and sign of respect).  It is actually one of his milestones that he achieved at about 15 months old.

Today was also pretty well the first day that he has regularly started to acknowledge being called Nate.  We have opted for the shortened version of Nathaniel at the moment as it seems to generate the easiest response.

We also found a food court under this hotel which serves cheap and yummy thai food, and also hands down the best waffles ever.  Now, I know that waffles aren’t authentic nor are they healthy, but it seems that I have lost some weight (I would say at least 5 kg so far) as my pants are all feeling a wee bit loose.  Maybe this is the diet I have been waiting for – the Nate diet.

I meant to mention earlier that we actually lucked out and have both a baby photo of Nate, and one also when he was 4 days old with his birthmother.  We have shed a few tears while looking at them as we can see the clear resemblance he has to her, and feel sad that she does not know what an amazing little person he is becoming.  We will keep the Thai red cross updated as much as possible so that maybe sometime she will enquire after him and know for sure that she made the right decision.

Sunday, February 5, 2006

Gotcha +3

Im probably sounding a little boring now as things are still great - Nate has truly bonded with us both (Dadda is best for play, & Mum is best for food) - we went for a quick trip to Chatachuk Markets (acres and acres of market stalls selling everything including the kitchen sink).  We sat together in the park near the market as Nate consumed a huge amount of strawberries - our boy loves his fruit.

We are learning quickly what food Nate likes - everything; we are yet to find somwthing he wont eat.  No problems with the 'waste disposal' either which is a relief.


Saturday, February 4, 2006

Gotcha +2

Today Nate started with another bowl of a banana cereal and some watermelon in the restaurant.  He's so settled already.  He sat for ages in the pusher this morning while we ate.  Its also clear he loves to entertain.  There is always a salute and a smile from the door mean at the hotel everytime we come and go.  We then had a bit of a play and a bath. The bath went down much better today and it was actually enjoyable for him.  Smiles this time and no tears.

After lunch and midday nap we all decided to take a trip out to the oceanarium.  Nate was absolutely fascinated by all of the under water activity.  He loved looking at the fish and anything else that moved underwater.  It was a pretty amazing place, not unlike the oceanariums in Melbourne & Sydney - just bigger and underneath the shopping centre.  He was such a trooper and again really settled.  He is starting to get much more comfortable with the rest of the family which is really nice (Poppa is an early favourite).

We got early dinner at the Siam Paragon shopping centre and even had a quick look at the Patpong Markets, (well Phoebe, Nate & I sat on a step eating watermelon while the others checked out some sights). Stocking up on the latest DVD’s was a must and we did pretty well there.  Our boy had a bit of a late night which meant he was a little difficult to get to sleep but otherwise all was well.


Friday, February 3, 2006

Gotcha +1

We are so happy happy happy this morning.  After going to bed at 7.30 pm Nate slept right through until 6.30 am.  He had a bit of a coughing fit at about 3 am but never woke up.  I don’t dare to think it will always be this way but I'm enjoying it for the moment.  I had a great sleep too, but Papa was a bit restless, listening for his noises.  We all shared the bed last night as it was our first together - we certainly wont be making it a habit as Nate is a wigglepot.

The travel party has again ventured out on their own.  Mum organized a trip out to the Rose Garden which does a pretty good cultural show.  I think its important that they get out and see the Bangkok we love.

After waking Nate had some Banana cereal and then a couple of bits of watermelon in the restaurant.  He sure is a wee little thing.  Clothes are 00 and fit pretty well.  He weighs just under 10 kg.

Mid morning he was doing so well, we went out for a walk amongst the masses.  We got very brave, changed him into his swimmers and we went down to the pool.  The good news is that he has no fear of water and in fact loves to splash.  He did hold onto me for dear life but was very happy.  He only got grumpy when it was time to go!  Most of the time we seem to carry him but he is now starting to enjoy walking and is also quite happy with the pusher.  Now while I am typing both of my boys are having naps but that will soon be coming to an end as it is medicine and afternoon snack time.  Nate seems to have a bit of a cold, and we also think he is teething as he is really dribbly.   The TRCCH had Nate on ventolin syrup every 4 hours.  We're reducing it now with a view to ceasing it completely.


Thursday, February 2, 2006


Today was our most important day yet, but somehow also the most relaxed we have felt for a few days.  We had to meet Dr Sarre and convince her that we are more than ready to take over the care of our son.  Although she looks to be about 100 (Tony thinks she is Yoda incarnate) she is very sweet and it is more than obvious how much she cares for the kids there and sincerely hopes that they grow to be proud of who they are and where they came from.  The meeting went well (although we were almost 20 mins late due to traffic) and she gave us the all clear to take him home.  She asked us lots of questions and gave us lots of pointers on raising a Thai child.   Only problem now was that he wasn’t there as he was out having a haircut and  his Thai passport done.  So we had no choice but to leave for a few hours and do some last minute food shopping of snacks, soup and noodles.

We arrived back at the TRCCH at 1430 to have his medicine given to us, the clothes we had taken for him to wear rushed off and within about 2 minutes he was in our arms and ready to go.  No tears today at all which was really heartening.  The taxi ride back to the hotel was also no stress.  He was in quite a playful mood and not at all scared by the traffic.

Soon after arriving back at home base it was meet the family time; lots of tears from all.  He was quite fascinated by everyone and actually went to Valesca for a few minutes. It was quite an emotional time for all of us as the realization of our family becoming complete started to sink in.

We retreated back to our room for some quiet time and starting to get him settled. It wasn’t anywhere the nightmare I thought it would be as he was really good. He had some clear chicken broth followed by a whole tub of banana/corn yoghurt. He also tried 2 french fries from our room service meals. We opted not to do the pre bed bath and soon enough he was tuckered out and ready for sleep.

As for the rest of the travel party they have all become seasoned travelers and ventured out on their own to the Marble Temple and Dusit Zoo. I am so proud of them all as Bangkok is a big scary place to the unaccustomed – we are so glad that we came here last year as we feel quite relaxed here as if its home away from home.

As I write this it is so hard to capture how we feel.  We waited so long for this moment to come and it was everything we'd hoped it would be.  We both agreed that our family is complete now


Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Another good one

We had another great day visiting our little boy.  He was a bit tearful when we got there but he also cries when they come to take him away.  Tomorrow we meet with Dr Sarre in the morning and all going well should be able to take him away with us to begin his new life.  Just one small hiccup is that they haven't done his Thai passport yet so I hope that doesn't delay things.

Anyways I'm off to the pool - sorry for the short message but Ive only been swimming once since we got here and I'm getting desperate!!

Love to all......

Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Up very early today as we kinda had some important business to attend to.  I actually slept pretty well all things considered. Tony – not so much.  We were up at 6.20 am and showered soon after.  A quick breakfast to fill the nervous tummies and then we changed into finery and set off to find a taxi.

Of course today traffic went at a snails pace and it seemed to take forever.  We didn’t have much trouble getting a taxi to figure out how to get there once we said it was Chualalongkorn Hospital.  We just waited till we saw some familiar signage and said “STOP” so we could get out. Thanks so much to Lisa, Harry, Sandy & David for making this part so much easier for us.

We were a wee bit early but there was no stopping us from going up the ‘stairway to heaven’ (the children's home is on the 2nd floor.) We met Khun Voraporn straight away and then we were escorted up another set of stairs with the photo album and Winnie the Pooh bear we had sent over earlier for Nate. She warned us that he had a bump on his head and some grazes as some of the toddlers are a bit rough.

He was moved into the toddler room last month so he was one of about a dozen little faces we saw immediately.   One of his carers scooped him up and we all went into the toy room.  I must say that as soon as we got to the TRCCH we felt a sense of relief.  Now in seeing and touching him it was almost overwhelming.  We must say proudly that we held it together and just enjoyed the first few moments of discovering our son.  We sat down on the floor with Voraporn and a carer and started to play.  He was inquisitive and sat very quietly checking us out.  I think it was about 15 mins that we played together then they left us on our own.  We thought this to be a good sign and he seemed to be quite comfortable with us.  Theyre very protective of their children which is fantastic.

We gave him a toy that looks like a mobile phone, and those of you who know our love of gadgetry will not be surprised that our little man took no time at all in figuring out how to make the toy make noise and how to mimic answering a phone (not that he would have ever seen one for real.)

Then at about 1130 Voraporn came in with a bowl of soup, a cup of water and a custard cream puff for us to feed him.  All she said was make sure that you make small pieces.  It was so so great as Tony sat him on his lap and I fed him.  This was awesome – it felt like we were really caring for him.  He loved the soup and noodles and even the carrot.  The custard puff also went down a treat, and was spread from ear to ear to hair to chin.  We were surprised to see him drinking from a cup as we thought it was bottle only.  The second we finished cleaning up the mess we made it was nap time for Nate and we were asked to come back at 2.30.

As sad as it was to part for even an hour it was good to have the time to take it all in.  We went back up to the MBK for lunch and Im sure we floated on air the whole way there.

The after lunch play session was still pretty good, but it seems that he has a cold and a fever so was a little bit grumpy.  He was still really good and despite a small cry he settled quickly.

We were both really sad to leave as he has already totally captured our hearts.  We had to put him down in the playroom with the other little monsters who wouldn’t let us go with out hugs to all.  We really hated leaving him - surprising how fast the protective mechanisms kick in.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Day 2

Today we had some more general orientation to Bangkok transport.  We opted for a tuktuk ride into the sky train.  All agreed it was pretty neat and in fact we thought it was better than the ride we had last time in Bangkok.

We then ventured onto the sky train for a bit of a birds-eye view of the city.  Certainly a contrast to the tuktuk.  We traveled to the Taksin bridge and then jumped onto the shuttle boat to go on the river over to the Marriott hotel (where we stayed last time).  The water and refresher towel that we had was also most appreciated.

It was then back to the MBK for lunch.  We had some really great club sandwiches and some interesting iced coffees at a shop called Black Canyon Coffee.  The only other things on the agenda then was more shopping and swimming.

We had dinner in the same little restaurant in the hotel – seems like Lasagne is the favourite for the youngest and the oldest of our group.

I thought I might add a stressometer to the blog to monitor daily stress levels but today Tony would have recorded a record.  It is hard to believe that it is now only a matter of hours until we meet our boy and see that he is infact real and not a figment of our imagination.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

Day 1

All of us were up and ready for breaky at around 8 am which was actually fairly surprising due to the late night.  When we finally found the cafe, this time the 12th floor in the other tower, it was quite good. Bacon, eggs, French toast, omelet, toast & fruit salad were the main fare of our table and of course some rather strong coffee for Tony.

After breakfast Phoebe and Tony went for a little swim which I believe was most refreshing. Post that we all headed off in a couple of taxi’s to the MBK shopping centre.  We needed to get some baby supplies (my fav type of shopping right now) and some things for our room.  We of course also found the very cheap watches and shoes!  I also decided to splurge and buy a kettle to share.  I also wanted an iron so we lashed out on both of these and a couple of power adapters for the grand total of $25.

Lunch was an exotic affair – McDonald's.  And before I hear you all groan we had pork burgers. Tony had a black pepper pork burger which he thought was really good – we also had curly fries (remember them from years ago).

Post lunch we returned to the hotel pool and some reconnaissance for beer and drinks for the hotel room (theres two 7/11 stores within 5 mins walk from here).  Bangkok has this weird rule about the sale of alcohol – only possible from 11am – 2pm, then 5pm till midnight.  sure if this is usual or due to the fact that today is their Chinese New Year Celebrations.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

The Longest Day ever....

Well we made it safe and sound.  A mere 17 hours after leaving the airport we were tucked up into our very comfortable beds.   The flight was pretty good although Qantas/British Airways have a strange seat allocation system.  One seat in row 1, 3 seats in the row behind, and then 2 seated together in the next row but on the other side of the plane.  We reallocated ourselves anyway with out much drama.  Plane food was good, we all had the chicken & polenta and all agreed it was yum.  The only weird thing then was that soon after dinner it was lights out and we were forced into sleep mode at 7.30 pm (Adelaide time).

We arrived at the airport in Bangkok all a little pooped out and were really thrilled to have to stand in a queue for immigration for 45 mins NOT.  We were almost the last ones from our plane to collect our luggage and some nice Thai airport copper was looking after them.

The next adventure was packing the 6 of us, and all of the luggage into a minivan.  Amazingly we did all fit but we were a little nervous about having the unrestrained suitcases joining us in a hurry if he braked too quickly.  Of course Bangkok traffic is always slow and sedate so what were we thinking?   A number of our party had their eyes opened to a new and exciting way of travel.

The last adventure was finding the right reception desk to book into.  This hotel has 4 towers and 3 reception counters.  This is spread over many different levels where you catch one lift up then transfer to another to go down then transfer to yet another to go up again.   Our first solo effort to find our way had us tracking back to our starting point; via the car parking garage complete with rubbish dumpsters.   When we did finally get to the right spot the rooms were pretty nice and definitely new as many of the details you look for were missing, ie tea & coffee. We picked the biggest of the three rooms so that we could get a cot in it - thats exciting just planning for these little things.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Happy Birthday Australia

Today being Aussie Day we had a traditional gathering at my brother's house - seafood and steak on the BBQ. Greg is such a great hostie and he does a wicked BBQ - complete with an esky of ice being dished out to the most deserving guest....this year revenge was swift and he suffered the consequences.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Nearly there

Baby Shower

Tonight some of my wonderful work mates threw me a baby shower to celebrate Nathaniel's impending arrival.  Must say that I am so lucky to work with some great people who spoilt us rotten with lots of pressies for us and for Nathaniel.  Thanks guys, and a special thanks to those who sent their best wishes and pressies but couldn't make it in person.  We will be having a big welcome home bash after he (us) is all settled in so we really hope that you can come then.

Many thanks to Bronte for the last minute use of your house, and thanks to all of you who came along - Karen, Dan, Dee, Cathy, Maria & Hayley, Amanda & Jason, Katrina & John.  I had a great time, and yes we were up very late playing....err putting things away.

Success finally

As predicted today has sorted itself out.

We have flights for all of us! yippee.  We also all have a place to stay.  We will be staying at the Prince Place Hotel for the duration.   It faces the Chao Praya River and also a little canal so it should be quite ok.   While it wasn't our first choice I had great difficulty securing rooms almost anywhere.  Oh and I should also say that directly under the hotel is a multi story garment retail/wholesale market.

So now I am off for a hair cut so I can recolour my rapidly greying hair (whats left of it anyways after pulling out great chunks of it yesterday....)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Getting it together

Flight details

What I can say is that we all leave Saturday morning from the scungey old domestic terminal for Sydney to connect onto a British Airways flight direct to Bangkok.

The home trip is the same in reverse leaving saturday the 11th and arriving back home in Adelaide at 10 00 on Sunday 12th feb.


The Arrangements

Had a fairly average day today trying to piece all of the travel details together.  Made a mistake of relying on a travel agent to ensure our flights.  The problem is not getting out of the country, but getting back in. 

After 24+ hours with no resolution I took matters into my own hands and went online - I couldnt leave it alone as I was starting to get an ulcer.  Well after 6+ hours; a number of credit card problems and lots of phone calls we are about half a step closer.  I should get the travel agents commission as Ive done all their work.  Tomorrow morning I am sure it will all be resolved and everything will slide into place. The trouble with having such a great day yesterday was that the exact opposite was on its flipside....oh well I hope we get some solid sleep so I can attack finalizing the travel details head on in the morning.

Monday, January 23, 2006


Finally what we thought would never happen infact did.  At about 10 am today the phone rang and I heard the words that we have been waiting for over the past months (years)  finally we have permission to bring our son home. 

While the voice on the line did sound familiar, I got chills the instant she said who it was and I new at that second that what I was about to hear could only be good.  Since I had the cordless phone I ran up to our walk in robe where Tony was, head down bum up looking for shoes, and I think he knew instantly too when I smacked him on the butt to get him to look at me and the expression on my face.  All I needed to say was who was on the line and he started the celebration.

I was given the option of 2 panel hearing dates - the 8th of feb and the 22nd.  I think that we have waited long enough so I had no hesitation in saying that we would be at the first date. Everything else she said was a little fuzzy as I came to realise that we would be travelling at the end of the week (providing that flights and accomodation could be secured).
The next few hours was a bit of a blur as what seemed to be endless phone calls and multitasking (2 mobile phones, the land line and the internet was used to spread the joy.)  Our travel party were all stunned with the news as it was quite unexpected.

In one afternoon our world has changed for ever and we can hardly wait for the next few days to pass. I bet it will feel like no time at all until we board that plane to go get our dream boy.

The photo is of the boys at our impromptu celebration dinner enjoying their cigars.