Saturday, February 18, 2006

Meeting Angus

We went to Mum & Dads for dinner to meet the Hudson Family, and in particular so Angus can meet Nate.  We had yummy Tranmere roast which I will post about another time because they are so good they deserve their own post.  Nate also discovered a love of roast vegetables and in particular pumpkin (Dad is thrilled as he hates roast pumpkin).

Angus spoiled Nate by spending his pocket money on some strawberries and a matchbox car for him.  How nice is that!!!


Friday, February 17, 2006

More out and about time

This afternoon we went to visit Uncle Heath for his Birthday.  Nate got to play with his cousin Phoebe which he loves to do.  We all got to hear about her new school and the new friends she has made.  Uncle Heath also cracked open his birthday pressie (Blue Label Johnny Walker) for some sampling. 

Thursday, February 16, 2006

This communal bathing is a hoot

Tonight we visited the Curry's for dinner.  They cooked us real food - it seems like the run of takeaways is coming to an end - yippee.  The highlight for Nate was another communal bath. Lots of splashing and great fun.

Nate also gave up his first cuddles to Uncle Paul.


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Happy Valentines Day

Firstly I want to say Happy Valentines Day to my dear sweet hubby.  He surprised me this morning with a lovely bunch of roses....I love ya my teddy bear.

Nate had his first official planned "playdate" with Jake and Madi in his new play space (our family room).  They had great fun together playing with the cars and the blocks.


After a midday nap, Nate went off to meet his Great Grandma.  It was cards day at her house so he also got to meet Grans' card playing friends who I am sure were thrilled to see him too. Nate was quite impressed with G.Gran, so much so that he kept wanting her to pick him up......

After that visit it was off to visit some more new playmates - Keeley & Ethan.  Again lots of fun to be had and he even had his first communal bath!!  He also got to meet Auntie Cath, Uncle Jason and Auntie Mary and was spoilt with some great pressies.


Monday, February 13, 2006

First full day at home

Being the first full day home we had a bit of organizing to do.  We had decided earlier to turn over the family room over to Nate.  We needed to remove the grown up things and replace them with a colourful carpet and storage boxes for his 'little people' and blocks.   We had also set up our foxtel to show the kids tv.  Sadly we have discovered that our big ole tv has just about died.  Good picture and fuzzy/popping sound.  Oh well I guess that means more shopping.....

We took Nate out to the local shopping centre - trying to get him used to a car seat.  He doesnt like sitting still for too long and is used to being unrestrained in the back of the car (playing with the folks).  Anyways he did ok and each time he sits in it it's a little less painless for us all.
Last night we took Nate over to have some playtime with his new best mates; Jake and Madi.  I have to say that it was like they have known each other for ages.  They got on so well it was beautiful.  Even hugs and kisses all round to end the night!!

We also tried him out in his new high chair to
have his breaky (weetbix, banana and vegemite on toast).  We had anticipated the worst considering his dislike of being strapped to a seat, but he loved it.  He was also quite happy to have his lunch and dinner there too.

The other highlight of his day today was meeting his Uncle Heath. It didn't take long before they were playing like boys do.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Journey Home

Finally the time has come to leave the City Of Angels (Bangkok).  It holds a little sadness for us as we say goodbye, but we are taking the best part of Bangkok with us.  I don't think there is anyone in the group who is not desperate to get home now.  This does not make the prospect of a long plane trip home any better.  We left the hotel at midday and as soon as we arrived at the airport, learned that we could not book our luggage in until 4.30 pm.
  So it was Burger King lunch for all, taking it in shifts of watching Nate.  At about the time to book in he decided to put on his grumpy pants and cried/screamed for the next couple of hours.  To our delight he threw himself down onto the concrete floor giving himself a huge new lump on his forehead.  He was overtired as we could not squeeze in a morning sleep.   Finally we decided to give Phenergan a go, but as his stubborn streak took over he resisted every urge to sleep.  An hour into the flight he gave in and slept, albeit restlessly until Sydney.   Then once we got onto the domestic flight it was lights out again.  He sucks him thumb or finger for comfort - very cute.
 We had quite a large contingent of family and friends come out to the airport to greet Nate which was lovely.  He got to meet his Uncles and his other Grandparents first.  He took it in his stride and was happy and cheery until he had to be strapped into his car seat for the drive home.  The whole time we were away he traveled well, but probably mostly because he sat on one of our laps.  The red car seat was not popular at all.

Once home again (** great big sigh), we put together an impromptu BBQ with lots of meat and Jo had again preplanned a surpise, as only she can, of welcome home balloons and cake.

Now as I write this he is having a nap in his cot for the first time....

Thursday, February 9, 2006

Embassy Visit

Man the Aussie Embassy is harder to get into than fort knox.  So much security and checkpoint after checkpoint.  Anyways all is done now and we have a rather pretty permanent visa in Nate's passport.  So all we need do now is rest up, pack and get ready for the trip home.  I will try to post again tomorrow but its hard to get access to the internet from the hotel (one rather stupid man was on here for 1 hr before me - sending one email!!!).

Storytime with Dad
His passport photo page - complete with fingerprint